
Hi, I’m Kay Bowmaker

I’ve been a WordPress developer for over 10 years. I live and breathe WordPress. I build custom websites that are fast loading, accessible, and easy to manage. Websites with everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

Custom built to your specific needs

Your brand needs more than a generic theme with minor customisation. Multi-purpose themes and page builders provide features you don’t need and add weight to your website. A custom built website puts your best foot forward.

Minimal use of plugins

Plugins are a fast way to add functionality, however they don’t always play nicely together and it is best to keep them to a minimum. Industry standard plugins are used when it makes sense not to re-invent the wheel.

User-friendly content editing

WordPress provides word processing tools you already know how to use. I focus on handcrafting an uncluttered dashboard for an even easier editing experience.

Fast page speed

Users of your website don’t want to wait for your content to load. Performance is tested throughout the build to ensure it does not get in the way of users staying on your site.

Accessible to all users

Your website needs to be accessible to 100% of visitors, including those with some level of disability. 15% of visitors experience some level of disability, and accessibility lawsuits are increasing. I build websites that meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 standards.

Future proof and built to last

The web is always evolving and you may want to change your design every few years to invigorate your online presence. Your website is built on a solid foundation that will adapt to your future needs.